Educators Corner

Welcome to the Educators Corner! We want you to feel confident in the important work you do, and to be successful in your career and your mission to educate and care for Wyoming kids. Think of it as a space for helpful resources, trainings, and people. If you are aware of any other resources, please let us know!


Early Childhood Professionals

The purpose of this space is to lead you to helpful resources, trainings, websites, and people. Think of it as a community space and, if you are aware of anything or anyone we should add as a resource here, please let us know!

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Child Care Licensing in Wyoming

Child care programs in Wyoming are focused on providing quality are by putting the safety and health of our children first. This is why learning the child care licensing rules and knowing the proper steps for getting your license are important.

This video provides an overview for how to become a licensed child care provider in Wyoming. To learn more, you have the Department of Family Services website and STARS as resources, as well as your licensor and Technical Assistant.


going to kindergarten tips

Quotes About Learning

Visit our Pinterest page for more inspirational, humorous, genuine, smart, thought-provoking quotes for people who love to teach and love to learn. 

Hello Wyoming Families!

This page supports Wyoming’s early childhood professionals so they can give your kids the best care out there. If you’re looking for resources that will help you support your family, visit our Family Corner!