Kids grow all day, every day. Give them a bright future with brain-boosting activities! As your ally in continuous learning, WY Quality Counts has created a selection of FREE and fun activity printables for you to share with your family.
Featured Activities
DIY Springtime Seed Balls
Craft, plant, learn, and grow together!
Inside Snow Sensory Play
Make your own snow – inside!
Animal Breathing
Deep breath in, deep roar out.
Autumn Handprint Trees
Celebrate the most colorful season.
Ghost Resist Art
What is a ghost’s favorite fruit? Boo-berries!
Pocket Pals
Pocket-sized pets are perfect companions.
Rainbow Paint Popsicles
These popsicles are a real treat, but not for eating!
Chuck & Pepper Care For the Birds
Winter is for the birds.
Wild Wyoming Road Trip
Explore Wild Wyoming with Chuck, Pepper, and activities for the road.
Kid Friendly Campfire Treats
There’s more than marshmallows in these campfire treats.
Super Simple Obstacle Course
Floor is lava! And a tumbling space. And also a water station.
Shadow Drawings
Cast a shadow and create new creatures.
Salt Dough Mosaics
Math skills, motor skills, creative expression, and super simple materials all in one.
Pollinating Bees
Pollinating is simple with DIY flowers and bees!
Backyard Bug Houses
Sometimes it’s OK to spy on the neighbors.
Parking Lot ABCs
Windows down, volume up, and the ABCs on repeat.
Kindness Jar
There is always time to be kind.
Tree Luminaries
DIY lanterns for cozy light and early STEAM concepts!
Kid-Friendly Pumpkin Parfaits
A recipe for pumpkin spice and everything nice.
Nature Art with DIY Watercolor
Save those dried-up markers!
Gratitude Dice
Showing gratitude is fun to say.
New Year’s Countdown
A clever way to celebrate the day with your family.
Rainbow Corn
Who needs rice when you have corn?
Flower Soup
A sustainable sensory activity.
Dragon Breaths for Fiery Feelings
Breathe out the fire inside.
Let’s Make a Mud Kitchen
Mud, mess, and memories.
Rainbow Wind Chimes
Tune in to the wind with DIY chimes.
3 Ingredient Bath Paints
The best place to make a mess is in the tub.
Fruit Cutting
Practice makes perfect (and perfectly portioned snacks).
Name Art
Turn cardboard boxes into a personalized backyard art studio.
Stuffed Animal Rodeo
This is Wyoming. And in Wyoming, we love rodeos!
Whip It Up
Whip up some easy sensory fun.
Breathing Bracelets
Beads, breaths, and bracelets.
Comb Kazoo
Make your own kazoo and start a family band!
Discovery Jug
Repurpose what you already have for brain-boosting fun.
Popsicle Cool Down
Delicious, healthy, easy, homemade popsicles to make with your kids!
Fishing For Your Name
Try this for bath time that’s not just a wash-and-go affair.
How does your Garden Grow?
Do your kids know how plants grow? Watch and see!
STEM Sound Science
Experiment with the sounds of science.
Birding with Chuck & Pepper
Pepper wants to show you how to take your kids birding!
Leaf Rubbings
Take a peek inside nature!
Paper Plate Dragon
Give your kids the (creative) power to unleash the dragon!
Who Lives in the Water?
Who lives in the water, a mermaid or a cowboy?
Painting with Nature
Look to nature for your next kids’ art project.
DIY Springtime Seed Balls
Craft, plant, learn, and grow together!
Gone Fishin’
Who knew catching fish practices skills in every Domain of Development?
DIY Sunnies
Get your kids used to wearing sunglasses by playing pretend first!
Water Games
What could possibly make playing outside even more fun? Add water!
Magic Nature Wand
Get outside and make some magic.
Mirror Mirror on the Wall
Boost your kids’ confidence in 20 seconds.
Balloon Boxing
Balloons, tape, and string are all you need for some midline-crossing fun.
Grow a Kindness Garden
Recognize the kindness you give and receive!
What Does the Fox Say?
Set the stage for silly fun with DIY animal masks.
You’re a Thunderstorm
The key to being a thunderstorm is to listen.
DIY Puzzle
Make your own puzzles from old pictures, and make new memories!
Gross Motor Obstacle Course
Get your kids moving and conquering all the obstacles in their path!
Pompom Counting Game
Toss, count, laugh, learn, repeat!
Building Quality Interactions
Building a fort is a lot more than just building a fort – when you do it together.
Stack and Crash
Build it up. Knock it down. Laugh together. Repeat!
Build Your Own Robot
“Beep boo bop boop!” (That’s Robot for “Let’s get creative and have some fun.”)
Chuck & Pepper’s Nature Xylophones
Chuck & Pepper love to find new ways to explore and play, and to appreciate the places where they live. They love it so much, they even make music about it!
Snowy Day Outside Play
Snow Day! Snow Day! There are lots of great ways to get outside and play!
Peanut Butter Play Dough
Strengthen their little hand muscles and get their big imaginations going!
Sensory Leaf Painting
Leaves don’t always crunch, sometimes they squish and squelch! Try this no mess sensory activity with your kids to encourage their curiosity and help them tune into their senses.
Bubble Art
Did you know that blowing bubbles is a calming activity? Taking deep breaths to blow bubbles can even help kids learn to regulate their emotions! Now take that mindful breathing and turn it into some art.
STEM Snowcanos
Science, snow, and explosions. Your kids will love this activity! Bonus: with just a few household ingredients, they will learn about what happens when an acid reacts with a base.
Constellation Creations
What patterns and shapes can your kids find in the stars? Help them learn about constellations by making your own!
Pompom Play
Exercise your kids’ fine motor development with just some pompoms and a few household items!
Art for Transition Times
A low key activity, like a simple art project, can help kids transition from one thing to the next!
Easy Indoor Exercises
Get your body moving and warm up those muscles with this easy exercise routine you can do with your kids!
Pumpkin Stencils
Get in the spooky season spirit with Chuck & Pepper pumpkins!
Cardboard Station
Big, small, stacked, or flat, something about cardboard boxes always sparks kids’ imaginations. But have they ever tried to make a box into a train track?
Chuck & Pepper Summer Bucket List
Chuck & Pepper have a whole bucket list of activities they want to do this summer. You should join in, too!
Frozen Fun
Mix one part sensory play with one part motor skills development, add as much imagination as you like, and serve it over ice.
Friendship Cards
Kids can show their friends of every shape, size, color, and species how much they are appreciated with these customizable cards.
Let’s Explore Wyoming’s Wildflowers
Here you go! Explore Wyoming’s wildflowers with Chuck & Pepper and discover what makes our wild state so colorful.
Gratitude Tree
Create a Gratitude Tree together, hang it up in a shared space, and make conceptual and social-emotional connections!
Gratitude Yoga Flow
Breathe, bend, and be grateful. Take time to connect with your kids and talk about gratitude with this simple yoga activity.
Painted Turkey Art
This “resist art” activity will inspire your kids’ creativity and exercise their motor skills, too!
STEM Parachute Drop
Show your kids science, engineering, and math concepts with an activity that lets them build, climb, experiment, and think!
Chuck & Pepper Explore the Park
We don’t have to go far to explore the world around us. Just ride, walk, skip, or drive to your local park!
Chuck & Pepper Explore Summer
What does summer feel like? Find out!
Go Fish Cards
Got any maps? No? Go Fish!
Curiosity Card Game
Use these curiosity cards for quick, simple activities to help your kids develop wonder, curiosity and exploration!
Chuck & Pepper Spring Listening Activity
Step outside with Chuck and Pepper, close our eyes, and listen as spring comes to Wyoming.
Baby Sign Language
You can download, print, and hang up this instructional sheet wherever it might be convenient to have a reminder of how the signs are formed!
No-Bake Peanut Butter Balls
Try this quick, simple, healthy recipe with your kids!
Apple Bubble Science
You can help spark your kids’ curious minds with this simple science experiment.
New Year’s Eve Kid Interview
Start a new tradition with your kids this New Year’s Eve!
Chuck & Pepper Explore their Winter Wonderland
Bundle up! It’s snow time. Join Chuck & Pepper as they explore the winter wonderland in their own backyard.
Why Do Leaves Change Color?
Have your kids been curious about why leaves change color in the fall? Help them figure it with this STEM activity!
Nature Badges & Bracelets
Help your kids engage in the world around them by getting outside and exploring what’s growing there.
Backyard Activity Dice
Use this activity to spark your imagination and explore like Chuck & Pepper in your own backyard!
STEM Balloon Rocket
This easy balloon rocket activity will spark your child’s curiosity and imagination!
Triceratops Coloring Page
Download and print this free coloring page as you learn more about the Triceratops!
Easy Sidewalk Chalk
This activity gets your kids outside, being creative, doing science, and using fine motor skills!
7 Minute Morning Animal Workout
Exercise is good for us in so many ways. Try adding this quick and fun routine to your mornings.
Emotions Card Game
Get your kids talking about emotions – their own and the emotions of those around them!
Germ Games
These quick and simple activities are a fun way to help your kids visualize how germs spread and how washing hands with soap can make the germs go away!
A Sea of Emotions | Emotional Regulation Card Deck
These cards can be used as a fun, any-day activity. But as your kids learn the actions on each card, their experience with this deck can turn into an easy way to call attention to and regulate emotions.
Listening Walk
Turn your walk together into an activity!
The Cowboy State Coloring Pages
Download and print this free coloring page as you learn more about the State of Wyoming!
Dress Up, Act Out!
Learning to take the initiative leads to independence and is an important part of development. You can help them master getting dressed on their own by making it a game!
Learning Through Movement
Try these simple activities with your kids, and get moving!
Nature Color Wheel
Help your kids discover how colorful their world is this hands on activity!
Motor Skills Dice
Engaging your kids in simple activities, like the ones on these DIY Activity Dice, will help them develop the skills they need for everyday actions!
Let’s Make Breakfast!
Make the most of your time together and get your kids into healthy eating habits from the start by cooking together! Try this easy breakfast recipe, giving your kids different steps to help with.
This is Me Treasure Chest
Appreciating the special qualities in ourselves and in others fosters self-awareness, self-confidence, and acceptance of differences. Learn about what makes each other unique by sharing your favorite treasures!
Living Room Camping
Camping inside is fun, easy, and local! You can camp any time of year in your living room, and it is a great way to spend quality family time together.
Float Your Boat
Children are naturally curious – that’s why they ask so many questions! Encourage their curiosity with engaging activities like this one: create your own boats, add weights to them and see if they sink or float!
Bison Coloring Page
Encourage your little one’s curiosity about Bison with this fun and educational coloring page!
Chuck & Pepper Scavenger Hunt
Join Chuck & Pepper as they explore the outdoors – there’s so much to see and explore in nature together!
Emotions Bingo
Recognizing and naming feelings is the first step to learning how to handle them in healthy ways.
Today I Feel…
Sometimes it’s hard to explain how we feel using words, but that doesn’t mean we should keep our feelings to ourselves! With this activity, encourage your kids to associate emotions with different symbols, and to use these symbols to show you how they feel.
Oh, the Feelings You Feel
The feelings your child has and the ways they express them are part of what makes them unique!
Animal Yoga for Kids
Yoga is a practice in self-discovery. Simple poses paired with intentional breathing will help your child develop physically, mentally, and emotionally.
New Year New Me
To make the most of this year, encourage your kids to try new things! Talk to them about their goals, and help them make a plan to achieve them.
Fall Craft: Turkey Hat
Flap your wings and have a turkey dance party together!
Discover Fall Activity Page
There’s so much to explore together in the fall. As the weather gets cooler, bring fall fun inside with this free activity!
Explore with Chuck & Pepper
Help Chuck and Pepper with their outdoor challenge!
Cheyenne Frontier Days Bingo
Download our free Bingo Page and mark each square as you and your child explore Cheyenne Frontier Days!