Curiosity is incredibly important for learning. Curious kids get to know their world, the people in it, and themselves! Try these simple methods to encourage your kids’ curiosity every day.

Various fun illustrations such as a dog, high-five, and speech bubbles with text that lists real-life ways to teach children to act with compassion and empathy.

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1. Answer their questions.

Sometimes it’s hard to remember that, until someone teaches them about it, everything is new for young kids. And they want to learn! That’s why they ask so many questions! When you answer, your kids will get more and more comfortable asking questions, which means there will be more and more to learn.

2. Don’t answer their questions.

Try leading your kids to the answers instead of just telling them. Ask, “What do you think?” first to see what they might already know, or give some details and let them try to get to the conclusion on their own.

3. Read nonfiction books together.

There are so many great books out there about nature, science, space, animals, and human beings who have done amazing big and small things. Add some nonfiction titles to your stack the next time you go to the library.

4. Ask the experts.

The people around you know a lot of things, and their knowledge base is probably different than yours. Help your kids have conversations with friends, neighbors, the garbage man, the crossing guard, the grocery clerk, and other community members you encounter.

5. Any questions?

Give your kids permission to ask questions by simply asking them if they have any questions: “What questions do you have for me?” “Do you have any questions about what we are doing?” Some of their questions may surprise you, and they will learn more than they thought they even wanted to know!