Brain Food

Brain Food

Food is fuel for your kids' brains! The foods kids eat - and the nutrients in the food - are important to your kids’ cognitive skills and brain development. Consider...

Kid-Friendly Healthy Recipes

Kid-Friendly Healthy Recipes

Whether it’s time for breakfast or snack time, toast is a hearty, healthy, warm, and fun choice. These kid-friendly recipes will be fun for you to make and eat together!You...

4 First Steps to Becoming an Active Family

4 First Steps to Becoming an Active Family

Though it can be difficult to squeeze an extra activity into an already busy schedule, making time to move together is important because active parents raise active kids....

5 Essentials to Meaningful Play

5 Essentials to Meaningful Play

Memories of joyful and meaningful play experiences can bind families together emotionally, even long after the kids have grown up. These five essential elements of play...

Emotional Expression Through Music

Emotional Expression Through Music

One of the many, many benefits of music is that it offers a safe and dependable place to feel our feelings. When we are afraid, sad, or really happy, we can invite music in...

Benefits of Family Style Meals and Snacks

Benefits of Family Style Meals and Snacks

You can download this infographic HERE.“Family style” is when kids and adults sit together for a meal or snack. Food and drinks are served from shared plates, pitchers, etc....

Benefits Of Water Play

Benefits Of Water Play

You can download this infographic HERE.There are so many benefits to playing in water for kids!   

Starting Baby on Solid Foods

Starting Baby on Solid Foods

You can download this infographic HERE.Starting your baby on solid foods can be an intimidating transition. This overview of new foods to try and when to add them to your...

Early Transitions: Learning to Walk

Early Transitions: Learning to Walk

You can download this infographic HERE.It starts with rolling, and then crawling, and before you know it your baby is walking … and running! You can support your baby...

Early Transitions: Learning to Crawl

Early Transitions: Learning to Crawl

You can download this infographic HERE.It all starts with rolling. Whether your baby rolls from tummy to back or back to tummy, or does a half-roll to the side, this means...

Questions to Ask Your Pediatrician

Questions to Ask Your Pediatrician

You can download this infographic HERE.  It’s important to feel comfortable with your pediatrician and to have an open line of communication. Well checks are a perfect...

The Domains of Development

The Domains of Development

The Domains of Development   Growing and learning go hand in hand. As young children learn and grow, interact with the world around them, and begin to understand...

Bicycle Safety Tips for Kids

Bicycle Safety Tips for Kids

  Help set your kids up for a great ride by making sure they have all the right equipment in place.   Wearing a Properly Fitted Helmet Adjust sizing pads or fit...

8 Things All Parents Should Know About Play

8 Things All Parents Should Know About Play

8 Things All Parents Should Know About Play Give your children time for play and you will see all they are capable of doing when given the opportunity. Children learn...

The Six Cs of Playtime

The Six Cs of Playtime

The Six Cs of Playtime It’s never “just play,” it’s learning. Learning that emerges through play is deep and meaningful to children because they have shaped it themselves....

Outdoor Play and the Domains of Development

Outdoor Play and the Domains of Development

The American Academy of Pediatrics says lots of unstructured outdoor play is critical to the health of children. That’s because outdoor play benefits children in every...

5 Benefits of Playing Outside

5 Benefits of Playing Outside

Kids should play outside! Here are 5 reasons why. When kids are given unstructured time to play alone or with other children, especially outdoors, they make up their own...

Encourage Physical Activity Early in Life

Encourage Physical Activity Early in Life

Physical activity can start very early in life as part of your child's everyday play! When you're choosing activities, focus on activities that are fun. If children enjoy...

Good Nutrition | Where to Start

Good Nutrition | Where to Start

Good Nutrition Where to Start A variety of grains, dairy, proteins, fruits, and veggies is a good starting point for any healthy diet, but the necessary portions of each...

Eat Healthy and Enjoy It

Eat Healthy and Enjoy It

Instead of focusing on foods your kids can’t have, help your kids think about foods they can have, and make eating them fun! Eat the Rainbow Having a variety of colors on...

When is it Safe to Go Outside?

When is it Safe to Go Outside?

It's always important to protect your children from the sun, and in the summer it's equally important to be mindful of the heat. 80 degrees Fahrenheit or below is considered...

Help Your Child Build Fine Motor Skills

Help Your Child Build Fine Motor Skills

Many of your child’s daily activities require fine motor skills. Your child can do more things for themselves when they have opportunities to practice these skills.

Infant Sleep Safety

Ask any new mom or dad what they find most difficult in a child’s first year, and they will probably mention sleep deprivation. By a baby’s first birthday, most parents have...