5 tips for teaching kids conflict resolution

5 Tips for Learning Conflict Resolution

Manage Emotions

Kids (and adults!) have every right to feel strong emotions, but it’s important to have strategies for remaining calm, like taking a deep breath or stopping and counting to ten.

Talk & Listen

Work together to develop a phrase to start the resolution process, such as “Let’s talk about this and find a way to work together.” This will help your kids learn to say how they feel and what they wish would happen.

Being a good listener is also important; it gives each member of the conflict the time and space to express how they feel.

Problem Solve Together

Help your kids navigate the process of brainstorming potential solutions together, the goal being to find a solution that’s fair for everyone.

Act it Out

Before a conflict happens, role-play scenarios that might happen on the playground or at a play date to help your kids feel confident about using their resolution strategies.


Encourage Fairness

Talk regularly about the benefits of being kind, being fair, and sharing with others, and catch your kids doing the right thing as often as you can, rewarding their positive examples with lots of encouragement!