How to Create a Literate Home

How to Create a Literate Home

The “literate home” for this age child only needs a few inexpensive materials, but parent involvement is key. Your young child or kindergartner continues to build her language base (understanding and using language) in preparation for learning to read, so...
How Your Child Learns and Grows Through Play

How Your Child Learns and Grows Through Play

How Your Child Learns and Grows Through Play from Birth to Three When you make time to play each day, you are giving your child a big dose of love and learning. Wise words from Mister Rogers. Play is more than just fun, it’s serious learning! It’s a very...

Nine Elements That Power Positive Parenting

Parenting comes with mistakes and missteps. What makes a parent great is recognizing when things haven’t gone right and responding with love to repair the relationship. That’s positive parenting in action. Take time in everyday moments to show your child...