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What Is It?
Play the "guessing game"—have your child wear a blindfold, and then pick different household objects for them to try to identify. Ask them questions ("Is it soft?" "Is it round?") as they hold the object. Blindfold yourself and have your child choose an object for you to identify!
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I Love You Because
Make a card for someone you love and tell them what you admire about them. Decorate it with ribbons, stickers, glue—whatever you have lying around!
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Beautiful Science Project
Do oil and water mix? Choose a small empty bottle or jar with a tight-fitting lid and fill it 1/3 with water. Add a few drops of blue food coloring. Shake. Fill the rest of the bottle with oil. Shake again. Tip the bottle upside down and watch the beautiful results.
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Color Talk
Young children can help with housework. Ask your child to help you separate white clothes from colored clothes to get them ready to wash. Talk about the colors as you sort.