Make your own playdough. Mix 1 C flour and 1/4 C salt. Add 1/2 C water and food coloring. Knead until doughy. Build a structure using playdough and popsicle sticks.
Play dress-up by exploring the very back of the closet. Who can assemble the most ridiculous outfit using some of your family's out-of-style clothes and accessories?
Going to the movies is a great weekend family activity. Talk afterward about your favorite characters and what choices they made that were good or bad.
Play a variation of "Follow the Leader" where the leader makes silly faces, makes up a fun dance, or says something that everyone else has to repeat. Take turns being the leader.
With your child, sort through their clothes, see what they've outgrown, and donate the items to charity. Talk to your child about the importance of charity.
Find a few unique leaves in your yard or a local park. Help your child create a leaf rubbing by pressing a white sheet of paper over a leaf and rubbing it with the side of a crayon.