Nothing's better on a cold day than warm cookies! Ask your child to help you measure ingredients and mix them together. Praise them for being a great helper.
Play the "Hot Lava" game—lay out blankets, towels and cushions in a course through the house. The floor is "lava" and the only way to make it to the other side is to step on the "safe" blankets.
Before going to the grocery store, ask your child to help you write a list by checking what's in the cupboard or refrigerator. "How many carrots do we have? How many gallons of milk?"
With your child, make an "I Love You" card for a friend or family member. List the different reasons you love that person—"I love you because you make me smile."
Reflect with your child on what memories and accomplishments you made together this year. Look back through the calendar and write down some memories on the following page.