Magic Nature Wand

Magic Nature Wand

Magic Nature Wands Get outside, use your imaginations, and engage in endless creative play with just a few materials. These Magic Nature Wands are sure to spark your kids’ curious minds! Download the Activity Sheet Looking for More Activity Ideas? Browse our library...
Balloon Boxing

Balloon Boxing

Balloon Boxing Balloons really are one of the most versatile supplies to keep in your activities toolkit! Well, that and some tape. And string. Download the Activity Sheet Looking for More Activity Ideas? Browse our library of resources! Explore More...
Bubble Art

Bubble Art

Bubble Art Mindful breathing exercises always feel good, as they help calm both body and mind. A great way to get you kids to practice mindful breathing is to have them play with bubbles! Even better, turn those bubbles into art! Now that mindful breathing is an...
Water Games

Water Games

Water Games Playing outside is so fun. It’s also so important for development. But what if it’s hot out? The simple fix is this: just add water! Sunscreen too, of course. And maybe a hat. But you know what we mean! We’ve put together activity ideas...
Gone Fishin’

Gone Fishin’

Gone Fishin’ Work together with your kids to create fish, a fishing pole, and a fishing hole, then catch your fish for a fun way to practice skills in every Domain of Development. Download the Activity Sheet Looking for More Activity Ideas? Browse our library of...
Pompom Play

Pompom Play

Pompom Play Whisk, sort, drop, stick, play! There are so many fun things to do with pompoms – even take a bath! What’s extra great is that playing with pompoms exercises your kids’ fine motor skills. Download the Activity Sheet Looking for More Activity Ideas?...
Grow a Kindness Garden

Grow a Kindness Garden

Grow a Kindness Garden Kids learn how to be kind by watching, listening, talking, and practicing. With this activity, you’ll help give your kids the tools they need to recognize and name kindness. Plus, you’ll practice skills within the Sense of Self &...
Fruit Cutting

Fruit Cutting

Fruit Cutting From practicing motor skills to learning about nutritious foods to having dedicated time to communicate and bond with you, cooking with kids covers a lot more than just preparing a meal. To help your kids get comfortable using kitchen tools, practice...
Constellation Creations

Constellation Creations

Constellation Creations What patterns and shapes can your kids find in the stars? Help them learn about constellations by making your own! Download the Activity Sheet Looking for More Activity Ideas? Browse our library of resources! Explore More...
STEM Snowcanos

STEM Snowcanos

STEM Snowcanos Science, snow, and explosions. Your kids will love this activity! Bonus: with just a few household ingredients, they will learn about what happens when an acid reacts with a base. Download the Activity Sheet Looking for More Activity Ideas? Browse our...
Turkey Art

Turkey Art

Turkey Art Your kids will love this painting activity, and it’s so cute you might even add it to your box of Thanksgiving decorations. Bonus: it inspires creativity and exercises motor skills! Download the Activity Sheet Looking for More Activity Ideas? Browse...
Easy Indoor Exercises

Easy Indoor Exercises

Easy Indoor Exercises Get your body moving and warm up those muscles with this easy exercise routine you can do with your kids! Download the Activity Sheet Looking for More Activity Ideas? Browse our library of resources! Explore More...
Sensory Leaf Painting

Sensory Leaf Painting

Sensory Leaf Painting Leaves don’t always crunch, sometimes they squish and squelch! Try this no mess sensory activity with your kids to encourage their curiosity and help them tune into their senses. Download the Activity Sheet Looking for More Activity Ideas?...
Name Art

Name Art

Name Art What can you do with old cardboard boxes? Use them as a canvas to spark your kids’ imaginations and learn name recognition! Download the Activity Sheet Looking for More Activity Ideas? Browse our library of resources! Explore More...
Art for Transition Times

Art for Transition Times

Art for Transition Times A low key activity, like a simple art project, can help kids transition from one thing to the next! Download the Activity Sheet Looking for More Activity Ideas? Browse our library of resources! Explore More...
Super Sammies

Super Sammies

Super Sammies Help build healthy brains and bodies when you make these fun sandwiches together! They are part activity, part sensory play, and part exposure to new tastes and textures. Download the Activity Sheet Looking for More Activity Ideas? Browse our library of...
Very Hungry Caterpillar

Very Hungry Caterpillar

Very Hungry Caterpillar Motor skills enable the movements we make for everyday tasks. Gross motor skills involve large muscle groups and broad movements, while fine motor skills involve smaller muscle groups and dexterity. You can help your kids practice their motor...
Glitter Jars for Practicing Mindfulness

Glitter Jars for Practicing Mindfulness

Glitter Jars for Practicing Mindfulness Practicing mindfulness gives kids an opportunity to pay attention to what’s going on in their bodies and in their environment, which helps them learn to control their reactions and manage their emotions. A glitter jar is a...
Why Do Leaves Change Color?

Why Do Leaves Change Color?

Why Do Leaves Change Color? Have your kids ever been curious about why leaves change color in the fall? Have you? You can figure it out together with just a few materials you probably already have around the house (and leaves from outside the house)! In this STEM...
Nature Badges & Bracelets

Nature Badges & Bracelets

Nature Badges & Bracelets Spending time outside gives kids a unique wonder about their world. Help your kids get outside and explore the world around them by discovering what’s growing there! On your next family walk, hike, or stroll around the backyard,...
STEM Balloon Rocket

STEM Balloon Rocket

STEM Balloon Rocket Spark your kids’ curious minds with easy STEM activities! Making a balloon rocket is a fun way to help your kids learn about thrust, force, action, and reaction. In this balloon experiment, thrust comes from the energy of the balloon forcing...
DIY Sidewalk Chalk Paint

DIY Sidewalk Chalk Paint

DIY Sidewalk Chalk Paint This activity gets your kids outside, doing science, being creative, and practicing their fine motor skills! The art you create together is sure to bring a little joy to your neighbors, too. Download the Activity Sheet Looking for More...
7 Minute Morning Workout

7 Minute Morning Workout

7 Minute Morning Workout Exercising in the morning with your kids is a great way to start the day. Try this simple, seven minute workout together to get you heart rates up, stimulate dopamine and endorphins, and have some fun! Download the Activity Sheet Looking for...
Germ Games

Germ Games

Germ Games Teaching your kids about germs will help keep them healthy. These quick and simple activities are a fun way to help your kids visualize how germs spread and how washing hands with soap can make the germs go away! Download the Activity Sheet Looking for More...
A Sea of Emotions

A Sea of Emotions

A Sea of Emotions Physical movement and emotional reactions go together like sunscreen and sandy toes. Our new sea-life themed emotional regulation cards can be used as a fun, any-day activity. But as your kids learn the actions on each card, their experience with...