We can be more helpful to our kids if we acknowledge that the transition to kindergarten is a big life step for adults as well. Think about what will help you through this developmental milestone, whether that’s information, support from friends and family, networking at the new school, etc. and do what you need to do for you, so you can be at your best for your kids.
Acknowledge and support your mixed feelings – you can feel anxiety and joy and pride and apprehension all at the same time, and all of your feelings are valid!
Adjust your own routines – morning, bedtime, travel – to make sure you still have the time you will need as you adjust your kids’ routines
Expect stress – yours and theirs – and limit other transitions for a while, wherever possible
Call upon your “experienced” parent friends – they’ve been here before and can talk you through your first day jitters
Show up! As much as you can, show up for events, meetings, pick up and drop off, playdates, or anything else that will help you feel involved
Stay positive, even when it’s hard – you’ve got this, and your kids do, too