Curiosity is incredibly important for learning. Curious kids get to know their world, the people in it, and themselves! Try these simple methods to encourage your kids’...
Teaching Kids to be Kind Friends
“There are three ways to ultimate success: The first way is to be kind. The second way is to be kind. The third way is to be kind.”- Mr. Rogers Try these four strategies to...
Gentle Parenting, Explained
During the first years of life, when kids’ brains are growing and changing so much every day, how adults interact with them has a huge impact. When done well, gentle...
Teaching Compassion to Young Kids
Compassion is tied to empathy, but it’s bigger than simply having the ability to imagine another person’s feelings. Compassion includes the desire to help and to prevent...
Self-Care Habits for Kids
Establishing healthy self-care activities for kids doesn’t have to be complicated. It can be fun!You can download this resource HERE.1. Drink More Water Just like plants,...
Tricks for Mealtime with Picky Eaters
Mealtimes with picky eaters can be both frustrating and worrisome. Try to remember that it’s your job, as the parent, to provide a variety of healthy foods for your kids in...
Fairy Bread Two Ways
This recipe is so simple and fun! Your kids will love making it with you.You can download this resource HERE.Supplies Rolling Pin Bread Knife Cookie Cutters Ingredients...
Mindfulness is Your Superpower
Building Your Power Mindfulness is so powerful, it can strengthen your brain. In fact, brain science has shown that mindfulness affects parts of the brain that help us stay...
5 Ways to Connect As a Family During the Holidays
Staying connected as a family during the holidays can be tough, even when it feels like everything we are doing is to create happy holidays for our family! Try these simple...
Nurturing Gratitude
Gratitude is a powerful emotion that plays a big part in your kids’ emotional growth and overall well-being! Encouraging kids to express and practice gratitude promotes a...
Learning Through Making
It’s not just arts and crafts. “Making” describes the ways hands-on, creative expression gives kids opportunities to explore, create, learn, and try something new.You can...
Learning Math with Music
Music is one of the first ways kids experience math. Without thinking, our bodies react to music: we rock our babies, clap along, and even look toward the source of the...
Managing Meltdowns
Meltdowns happen, it’s a fact of life with kids. And while they can be emotionally draining - for you and for them - with the right approach, you all can handle the hard...
Because They’re Hungry Now
Try these healthy, energizing snacks to help get your kids from pick up time to dinnertime!You can download this resource HERE.Nut Butter, Strawberry, & Banana...
Supporting Risky Play
Risky play is an important part of growth and development, and instrumental in lifelong learning.You can download this resource HERE.When kids engage in risky play, they...
Play Builds Confidence
When kids play, they use their bodies, brains, and emotions. Because play is joyful, it positively affects kids’ physical and mental health, which in turn helps build their...
Free Play is Playful Learning
When kids are allowed to play in whatever way they want - when they can choose the materials and the actions and activities - they are free to express themselves in the way...
Learning Through Guided Play
Guided play combines play that is kid-led with gentle instruction or suggestions from adults. It allows kids to be in control of the way they are playing, while adults help...
Self-Love & Young Kids
Self-love means appreciating yourself and treating yourself with kindness and understanding. Self-love means accepting yourself for who you are.You can download this...
Tips for Communicating with Babies & Kids
Communicating with your kids goes beyond developing language skills. It helps them feel safe and secure in their relationships, which is the foundation for learning and...
Brain Food
Food is fuel for your kids' brains! The foods kids eat - and the nutrients in the food - are important to your kids’ cognitive skills and brain development. Consider...
Curiosity is Important
Curiosity drives kids to try new things, and to continue to do so.
3 Things Parents and Caregivers Can Do to Strengthen Social Connections
Parents and caregivers play an important role in shaping the experience of social connection. Recognizing that strong, secure attachments are protective and a good...
3 Vital Components of Social Connections
Social connections are the interactions, relationships, roles, and sense of connection that humans experience. Social connection is dynamic - it changes over time - and...
I is For Independent Play
There are big benefits to independent play, which exercises imagination, creativity, persistence, patience, problem-solving skills, and much more. Here’s how to get started...
Nurture Their Thinking Skills: Part 2
Kids are eager to figure out how things work. They’re like little scientists, constantly doing experiments, like throwing a ball on the ground to see if it will bounce, and...
Nurture Their Thinking Skills: Part 1
Kids are eager to figure out how things work. They’re like little scientists, constantly doing experiments, like throwing a ball on the ground to see if it will bounce, and...
How to Encourage Your Baby to Roll Over
Sometimes, kids can’t answer right away when we ask, “What are you doing?” Because sometimes, they don’t know yet! Sometimes, they’re just busy doing.
4 Simple Rules for Healthy Interactions & Relationships
Kids learn about relationships and how to interact with others from the adults in their lives – adults are their most powerful models. Use these four simple rules to...
Why Developmental Milestones are Important
As they grow, your kids will experience physical, cognitive, and social-emotional milestones. Reaching their developmental milestones is important because these offer clues...
The Importance of Independent Play
Sometimes, kids can’t answer right away when we ask, “What are you doing?” Because sometimes, they don’t know yet! Sometimes, they’re just busy doing.
Foundations for Developing Self-Identity & Relationships
Relationships that are tied to family, culture, and community help kids develop a sense of belonging, and once kids have a sense of their own identity, they can also...
Foundations for Emotional Intelligence
Self-confidence and self-awareness are key signs of emotional intelligence – the ability to perceive, interpret, demonstrate, control, evaluate, and use emotions to...
Get Ready to Write
Your kids’ first attempt at the writing process is called emergent writing, and it begins when they’re as young as 2 years old! When kids create drawings and symbolic...
Kid-Friendly Healthy Recipes
Whether it’s time for breakfast or snack time, toast is a hearty, healthy, warm, and fun choice. These kid-friendly recipes will be fun for you to make and eat together!You...
4 First Steps to Becoming an Active Family
Though it can be difficult to squeeze an extra activity into an already busy schedule, making time to move together is important because active parents raise active kids....